I was in West Point, NY from May 27 to June 1st. It was great seeing Andy, Laura, and the kids. We didn't have much planned, so it was nice and relaxing.
My first afternoon in West Point, we went to Nathan's baseball practice. Watching 5 and 6 year olds play baseball is quite the show.

Saturday morning we went to breakfast, then Andy took Alex to his double-header baseball games. We showed up for the second game, and Alex had several hits.

After the game we visited Trophy Point and had some great views of the Hudson River.

That night we went to an Irish restaurant that had great food. Nathan and Alex are eating some of the onion soup that Andy and I were eating. Somehow, Rachel was left out of the photo, but then she had her own blog earlier in June. I don't think she will mind.

On Sunday, we went into New York City, and took the subway to see the Empire State Building, Times Square, and Battery Park. Here are Brittany, Alex, and Nathan from the top of the Empire State Building, with New Jersey across the river in the background.

We also spent some quality time flying paper airplanes and playing Lego Star Wars on the Nintendo Wii game console. The video game was so much fun that I bought it after I got back to Louisiana. I have had to call and get a couple of hints from the boys so that I could advance through the game.