Friday, October 30, 2009

4.5 inches of Rain Overnight

The rain started about 10 pm last night. At about 8:30 am this morning, I took the photo of the rain gauge - 4.5 inches! It is supposed to rain all day and into the evening. Will try to post more when the rain stops tonight. Good thing I live on a small hill! Flooding in low areas throught the much of Louisiana. Good thing I live in the hill country of Louisiana!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Newest Addition to the House

On Saturday, I picked up a new toaster oven. I had checked reviews online, and the General Electric Convection Toaster Oven with Rotisserie was highly rated. Sunday evening I did a 3.5 pound pork tenderloin on the rotisserie and it came out great! Pork sandwiches all week!

More Rain, More to Come

Thursday night (Oct 8th) we had a short, but very strong storm come through town, and it was followed by light rain the rest of the night. By Friday morning we had 3/4 of an inch of rain.

Starting Saturday evening and all day Sunday, it rained, sometimes coming down in a soft mist, and sometimes as light showers. It let up Sunday, but started raining very late Sunday night or early Monday morning, often coming down quite hard. All of this added up to 2 3/4 inches of rain.

More rain predicted all week!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rainfall, Monday night

Measured 1.25 inches of rainfall on Monday night as a storm passed through. Quite a lot of wind and some huge downpours over a very short period of time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

More Rain - Love That Rain Gauge!

More rain Saturday night and most of Sunday - almost 2.75 inches! I like knowing how much rain we received. I don't know why I do, but I like it!
More rain predicted for Tuesday and later in the week. We need a break from the rain! (with apologies to Patty in Pasadena, California, who needs rain. You can have some of ours!)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Raining in Ruston

Thursday night (Oct 1st), was a night of some very strong thunderstorms that passed through the Ruston area from a cold front that came through. Here is a closeup of the radar as the storm approached Ruston. I added in Ruston, blue and green are light rain, yellow is heavier rain, and the red is very heavy rain.
Just before the storm hit, I remembered that the day earlier the UPS delivery guy came just after I had returned to the house. The package contained a rain gauge from Patty Montbriand, a friend from high school in Waukesha, Wisconsin, who now lives in Pasadena, California. (Some of us fled the Frozen North for more moderate climates!)

I got the rain gauge out in the yard, and the rain hit around 11:15 pm, and really came down for quite a while. But now, thanks to Patty, I know exactly how much rain I got - 1.25 inches over night! The photo below was taken the next morning before I went to work.
Thank you, Patty, for the rain gauge! It's raining all this week, so I will be able to keep track of how much rain we get.