Monday, April 20, 2009

Allergic to Louisiana

Back in October, I had a full allergy test done, and it turns out I am allergic to a bunch of molds, weeds, grasses and trees common to North Louisiana, and especially to pine, oak and pecan pollen.  The allergist said I have some of the worst allergies she has ever seen.  Fun, happy allergy shot every week!  Actually, it is much better than not being able to breathe.

The pine pollen started in March, the oak earlier this month, and the pecans about anytime now.  Back in March, I took a few photos of the pine pollen covering cars in the parking lot.

Here is a car that has a bunch of 
pollen covering the hood. Notice the pollen smeared across the windshield.

Here is a photo of my truck.  I had 
to run the windshield wipers to clean the pollen off on the way to work. 

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